Set up your first Miniframe PHP Framework project

In four simple steps, you can have a minimal project up and running:

  1. Install Docker Desktop
  2. Open an empty project folder in a console window and execute this command line for Windows:
    docker run --rm --tty --volume "%CD%:/var/www/html" garrcomm/php-apache-composer composer create-project miniframe/miniframe .
    Or when using Unix-based OS'es:
    docker run --rm --volume "${PWD}:/var/www/html" garrcomm/php-apache-composer composer create-project miniframe/miniframe .
  3. Run in the same console window:
    docker compose up -d
  4. Run in the same console window:
    docker compose exec php composer install

From now on you can visit http://localhost/ and modify the code in your project.